The Adoration Chapel is open from 1 pm on a Sunday afternoon until 8.30 pm Friday evening. 

Everyone is welcome to visit for any length of time.

New Adorers are constantly needed.  If you would like to commit to a regular hour’s adoration, please fill in a form (available in the porch of the Adoration Chapel) or please contact Mary on 086-0870446.

St. Pius X Adoration Chapel is located to the left of St. Eunan’s Cathedral, (in the grounds of Loreto Secondary School). Here Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored, night and day, by a rota of committed Adorers.  

Back in 1987, Bishop Seamus Hegarty and Fr. Francis McLoone invited the Lay Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration to give a presentation to parishioners, explaining how to organise Perpetual Adoration.  The Adoration Chapel was dedicated and formally opened on the 4th December 1988. 


The Charismatic Prayer Group meet in St. Eunan’s Cathedral Conference Room at 8 pm on Thursdays (except Holy Thursday).

The Letterkenny Charismatic Prayer Group is praising God, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, continually since 1975.

Prayer and Praise; sharing God’s Word and/or relevant life experience; and prayer of intercession are the main format of the meetings which last until about 9.30 pm.

Participants in the early years prayed for a music ministry and their prayer was answered – Praise God!  

Those who attend find that participation can: “recharge the batteries”; bring healing for themselves and/or others; be a time of reflection; be a time of learning.

Most would find that they experience the warmth of God’s Love through others. Anyone who wishes may have prayer over them at the close of the meeting.

The Group occasionally hold a ‘Day of Renewal’ or run ‘Life in the Spirit Seminars’.

Lord, Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Ps. 119 – 015)


The Divine Mercy Prayer Group will meet every Tuesday evening at 8.15 pm in the Divine Mercy Centre Chapel. The group prays in front of the image of Divine Mercy, asking the Lord Jesus for many intentions for each other, for the community and for the whole world.

There is a Divine Mercy Holy Hour in the Cathedral every third Tuesday of the Month. 

How it began – The Divine Mercy Prayer Group is a fruit of Medjugorje. Some parishioners had gone to Medjugorje around the Autumn of 1986 where they first heard about ‘Divine Mercy Sunday’ and after coming back home decided that they would like to see if they could get permission to celebrate ‘Divine Mercy Sunday’ the following year. After getting permission from the Parish Priest, they arranged to have some leaflets printed so that people would get to know about this and they put them on the windows of the cars at mass times. They also handed out the Divine Mercy Novena prayer leaflets to people going in and coming out of Mass. One person who was instrumental in setting this up was Kathleen McBride from Letterkenny.

So for many years, ‘Divine Mercy Sunday’ was celebrated with the help of Fr. Des Sweeney from Ramelton and also Sr. Susan Evangelist of the House of Prayer in Drumkeen.

It was around the spring/summer of 1993 that this group again sought permission to start the Divine Mercy Prayer Group. They put together some prayers and reflections from the Diary of St. Faustina (then Sr. Faustina) and had some leaflets printed which were used for many years.

There is now Divine Mercy Prayer Books which Fr. Eamonn Kelly kindly had printed for us and which we use all the time. This prayer book includes the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy along with many other beautiful prayers which focus in on the immense mercy of God.

People have come and gone over the years in the Prayer Group, sometimes their might only be a few people, then at other times there might be a large crowd but our Lord has said that where two or more gather in my name I Am there in their midst. New members are always welcome.

As for ‘Divine Mercy Sunday’ that has grown year after year with people coming from all parishes to join with us as we ask Our Heavenly Father to have mercy on us and on the whole world.  ‘Jesus, I trust in You’


Our Lady of Lourdes Praesidium was the first branch of the Legion of Mary to be established in Donegal around 1940.  The weekly meetings take place in St. Eunan’s Cathedral Conference Room on Tuesday mornings after 10 am Mass.

The main work of our Praesidium is visiting Hillcrest Nursing Home and Arch View Lodge Nursing Home every week, where the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy are recited. After the prayers they stay and talk to the Residents.

Members visit the Health Board houses where improved patients from St. Conal’s Hospital reside. The Rosary is also recited here. Visits are also made people living alone.

One of our members is a Eucharistic Minister and brings Holy Communion to the Residents in Hillcrest Nursing Home  every Sunday after 10 am Mass and Holydays of Obligation and to two individuals living alone.

One member takes care of the Holy Water Font in the Cathedral, cleaning and refilling the Fonts every week.

If anyone requires more information or would like to join, please contact 9123027 or 086-3282263.


Please read the attached brochure for all details relating to Parish Safeguarding in St. Eunan’s Cathedral.  If anyone has any issues or concerns, please phone Fr. Kevin Gillespie (Parish Administrator) on 9121021.


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