Masses begin again

Deo gratias! From June 29th, we will be able to gather again for Mass. Our long Lent and difficult Easter is over! The Mass means everything to us. As the early martyrs said: without Sunday we cannot live!

Please get this information to those who do not have internet access.

o Sunday Masses begin on 4th / 5th July.

o The 2 metre social distancing rule means that the Cathedral can hold only one tenth of its capacity – about 120 people.

o Although the Sunday obligation is suspended at this time, the parish clergy want to accommodate as many as is feasible to attend Sunday Mass. Therefore, we have committed ourselves to adding more Masses to the schedule for the time being.

o The new schedule will be: Saturday vigil: 6pm; 7.30pm.

Sunday: 8am; 9.30pm; 11am; 12.30pm; 5pm; 6.30pm.

In addition, the normal summer schedule will not apply so that an evening Mass will be available each weekday at 7pm.

o Even with this number of Masses, it is possible that not everyone will be able to attend a Sunday Mass, but they can attend on some day of the week. Therefore, some parishioners will be asked to make a sacrifice and attend on a weekday instead. Mass bookings will run over a two-week cycle/monthly cycle.

o Daily Mass at 10am Monday-Friday will be reserved to those who are older or have underlying health conditions. Please respect this if you are younger and in good health – you can attend daily Mass at 8am or 7pm, unless you are attending the 10am Mass for a deceased loved one.

o Attendance at the Friday evening 7pm Mass will be limited to immediate family of the deceased.

o The elderly and those with underlying conditions may be worried about venturing into public settings. They are welcome to stay at home and join us over the webcam or local radio signal (handsets still available – contact the Parochial House on 9121021). God willing, the time will come when you can again join the Eucharistic community without fear for your health.

o Funeral Masses will be at 11am, and reserved to family and close friends of the deceased to a maximum of 100 people. THERE WILL BE NO FUNERAL MASSES ON SUNDAYS.

o These arrangements are temporary and will be reviewed initially on a weekly and then on a monthly basis. They will not continue once public health restrictions have ceased, and will depend on the wellbeing of the clergy. However, we may have this situation for some time.


o It will be necessary to book your place at Sunday Mass. The size of the Cathedral congregation makes this unavoidable.

o Booking will not be necessary for weekday Mass, although numbers will be limited to 100 on weekdays.

o The booking form can be printed from the parish website ( or from the St. Eunan’s Cathedral Facebook page. It can also be picked up from the Cathedral or Parochial House. This form must be returned to the Parochial House by Friday 19th June for access to Masses on July 4th / 5th .

o You will be sent your access ticket either by post, text or e-mail. This must be shown to the ushers as you enter the Cathedral.

o You will be required to indicate your preferred time, but there is no guarantee that can be accommodated.

o Your cooperation and understanding are essential! Many will be asked to take a place or a time that does not suit them. Please be willing to make this sacrifice for this time.

o You must take your assigned seat in the Cathedral with the assistance of ushers. Special areas have been assigned to those who are physically impaired.

o The Crib Room is reserved to families with special needs children, one family each Mass.

o Regular worshippers at the Cathedral will be given priority.


o Baptisms have resumed. Until June 29th, these will be celebrated with the presence of parents and godparents alone. Only one baptism at a time will be permitted. After June 29th, up to 25 guests may be present, but they must maintain social distancing, seated according to household. No group photography will be permitted and photography will be limited to the baptistery. The baptismal ritual will be performed according to the national protocols for the celebration of the sacraments during a pandemic.

o Weddings have resumed – Maximum attendance of 100. Among other provisions, social distancing will be required for guests, particularly upon exit from the Cathedral. No group photography will be allowed on Cathedral property.

o Confessions have resumed. They will be heard behind a Perspex screen and not in the confessionals. Social distancing will apply when queuing.

More information will follow about Covid-19 protocols that will apply in the Cathedral.

Mass Preference Sheet JUNE 2020



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