Christmas Mass Arrangements Pre-Registration

The following will be the arrangements for Christmas Masses at the Cathedral depending on the impediments that may still be imposed by Government.

Christmas Eve: 4 pm, 6 pm, 7.30 pm, 9 pm and 12 Midnight

Christmas Day: 8 am, 9.30 am, 11 am and 12.30 pm

It will be necessary for EVERYONE to pre-register before Wednesday 8th December for attendance at the various Masses through the Parish Office.  We will be allocating seats on a first come – first served basis. 

Numbers are limited: priority will be given to parishioners and those who normally attend the Cathedral on a weekly basis.

Registration forms can be printed from the link below; collected from the Cathedral or Parochial House and will also be available to print from the St. Eunan’s Cathedral Facebook page.

Christmas 2021 Mass booking Form

We are hoping to accommodate as many as possible at the Christmas Masses, but we do ask for people’s understanding as a certain number may not be able to enter the Cathedral for Christmas Mass.



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