Because Sunday Masses at St. Eunan’s Cathedral far exceed a congregation of 100 people, and since even our daily Masses attract a congregation of around 100 people (and often more), it will not be possible to admit the faithful to the Cathedral for Masses at this time. Masses will continue to be offered at the scheduled times behind closed doors. 

Parishioners are encouraged to join us via the parish webcam:


· Anniversary Masses and Month’s Minds will be offered as scheduled, but behind closed doors.

· Funeral Masses will be celebrated with the presence of the immediate family of the deceased ONLY. The elderly and those with underlying health conditions should not attend.

· Weddings may be celebrated with a congregation, but couples are reminded it MUST NOT exceed 100 people. The elderly and those with underlying health conditions should not attend.

· Baptisms will be celebrated with parents, godparents and immediate family members ONLY.  The elderly and those with underlying health conditions should not attend.

· Confessions will be offered at the scheduled times, but the Priests will sit on the sanctuary and not in the confined space of the confessionals.

· Priests, when called to the sick, who are in need of anointing, will follow the precautions set out by the Irish Episcopal Conference.

· The Adoration Chapel, being a relatively small space, will remain CLOSED for the time being as many of our committed adorers, without whom the chapel cannot remain open, are vulnerable to the effects of Covid-19 were they to contract it. To save them from any anxiety or danger, the Adoration Chapel will remain closed. Adoration will take place in the Cathedral subject to the limit of 100 persons – times to be arranged.

· The Cathedral will remain open for prayer from: 7.30 am – 9 am; 11 am – 6 pm weekdays;

Saturdays: 11 am – 5 pm

Sundays: 1 pm – 5 pm

· All prayer groups and formation groups and other groups using Cathedral facilities ARE suspended for the time being.

Phone or e-mail the Parish Office with enquiries RATHER than calling in person during this period of time, if possible. Certificates, etc. can be posted out.


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